jk i need to stop bullying you for your age, i’ll be 22 in a couple of days and elderly just like you😔
oh yeah then i’ll look like the old love dome ladies you like and then i’ll stand a chance
You dont have the experience. Maybe in another decade 🙄
new zealanders are on top!
I probably wont be home until 11 or midnight 🥹🥹🥹
I made it home safe. Now time to sleep. 😴😴😴
But i did have a nightmare because you weren't in my dreams bunny 😭😭😭
Awe baby i can join you in your dreams 😏
And then we can beat the chicken boi
Or you can beat my chicken 😏😉
well if you insist 😏 im coming
Wait. I mean. Uhm. Whose playing?!?
Maybe not right here right now BUT
Like greed from full metal alchemist 😎😎😎
I’m just a Scorpio and what’s mine is mine and that’s it. Period. But I also have respect and common courtesy. ✊🏼
I only got respect when i feel like it. Piglet knows that very well
Nah I respect everybody until they don’t deserve it anymore.
Everybody deserves at least one chance.
You gotta earn it with me
Well yeah but I’m not gonna be disrespectful to a complete stranger.
never understood the whole “earn my respect”, if every single person had that type of mindset, everyone would be so rude to one another
i’m nice to everyone i meet until you’ve shown you don’t deserve my respect anymore