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PPS4 Gamers Only

They make a good couple
delete rd2 for gta
That would be a bad move
Gta is ass compared to red dead
I agree with the blue one
Rdr cool but theres not much room for evolution like gta
Gta has also been milked for the past 10 years
Rdr wasnr given the opportunity and it's gay
Being gay is hot lunch
Thanks boss
wat dat mean
Theres no evolution in gta. All there is to do is kill people and drive around an empty city
Is that not also red dead online
Theres plemty to do on red dead
Ride horses?
Please don't
I do enjoy red dead more but not as much to do in red dead as opposed to gta sadly
Idk I never played it
You can ride horses. Fish and hunt, you can hunt for treasures or same in gta you can be an ahole and kill everyone. There's multiple businesses you can own and run. Tons of stuff
There's definitely more to do in red dead then gta
I love RDO
But never have enough people to play w
Fishing and owning a business 🤔
Sounds kinda fun
Yeah you can own a moonshine business or a trading company.
I love red dead too. Lol
I agree the world feels significantly more alive than gta
>>> Theres no evolution in gta. All there is t... Theres literally dozens of buisnesses to runopperate, multiple hiests hundreds of vehicles and weapons to work for, yeah its been milked but theres alot more to gta, not saying rdr is bad but there is only so much they can do to the game because of its time period.
Thank you for explaining all that I was too lazy
An you also gotta think gta5 came out in fkin 2013 so to compare the world atmosphere is kinda unfair imo 🤷‍♂️
u definitely on something if u think rd2 has more content and things to do than gta
Fight fight fight
Who fighting??
I wanna third party 🥹
Im not fighting
There's tons more to do already in read dead and gta has been out a lot longer. They're only gonna add more and more to do 🤷‍♂️
Theres def not more to do in rdr than gta
holy cook
There definitely is
gta has over a decade of conent i have 3k hours into it since '14 and havent done everything there is in the game
Hate it bc its been milked for so long, hate it for the playerbase hate it for whatever reason you want, but saying it dont have the content is just ignorant.
Idk what to tell ya but its true. Red dead has way more content and stuff is still being added to it 🤷‍♂️
low tier rage bait