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☁️Lesbian Dreamland 🩷🌈🧿

No I’m going in a collocation
Wait what
I have three places to visit still and I’ll set the deal by the end of this month
In my country that means a forced admission to a psych hospital
Roommate sorry I’m mixing French with English
I was getting worried
Don’t you just love getting money in your bank account but they “gel” it so while you know it’s your money you can’t access it for a set of days
Pisses me off
No idea what you mean but sounds frustrating
I've had that happen to me a few times, I hated it!
it’s happening right now,good thing I don’t have incoming payments this week
Oh yes for sure, that does stink. I'm sorry 😞
It’s ok, pay day is today anyways
😩 I can’t wait to see my savings account grow into a butterfly
Going up from 1$ to 2$🫦
Oh I can only imagine. My checking account is the only account I have my money going into
Life is becoming expensive I can’t wait to be a rich woman with no kids and a hot wife
Childless cat ladies are gonna save the world 🌎
Anyone awake and wanna talkkk
Smitten hruuuuu
Good morning Dreamland
Tifl 🥰 smitten 🥰 boba 🥰
Aanzhenii 🥰
Hello spiceyyyyy
M good thx
mari penny 🥰
aly penny.🥰
How old is everyone?
hru 🥰
im old af
How old
old enough to know the ancient magicks 🧙🏽‍♀️✨
haha just old
few tricks up my sleeve
Anyone pm?
Morning x