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☁️Lesbian Dreamland 🩷🌈🧿

Calling me blondie !!! That’s a nightmare
She’s fasting
We should stop saying the devils name before the devil shows up
Drop your hairrr
no you jus looking dumb af cause you randomly said 'the irony of you saying i was' i was what?
Offensive lmao
Another 7 hours
So fast faster?
Watchu want w my hair💀
Fooled me👀
Turn the clock to 7pm
That’s not her
and when did we supposedly argue?
You literally called me a liar and then turned around and lied. Tf you mean
I would kms if that was her
YOOOO i am not bkonidewkjwkwja😭
What iffff I surprise you lmaaaao
That would be so fun
Show youre not blondie
when did i lie
But no blondie is too much
My feelings wouldn’t change for you
I have a very dark hair I am far from being blondie 💀
I give up
I don’t have the brain capacity rn
bruh you're calling me a lair, youre saying we previously argued... with zero context
We legit have
Are you Turkish
bish when
i dont even know you
I told you
Oh nvm
This massage chair is so good
I don’t even remember
But I know we did
someone else pls go find the part where she told me when we argued
Idk I thought you’re someone I knew
Some stupid American vs uk crap. You wanted to curb stomp me