that's why I don't need doctors ..
I have paper that I'm completely fine in my mind .. so if I ever commit crime I'll go to jail
I'm just ajtodestructive lol
you aren't dangerous to others but you're dangerous to yourself..
>>> so you’re actively causing your owndestru...
yes that's what paper say
>>> I’m not sure the paper is accurate
well that psychologist was submissive haha
I don't care, I hoped I'll have papers on head so I could have easier life ..
but it didn't work my way
>>> Ah so you manipulated the therapist to get...
I wanted to have part retire but she didn't wrote it
but when she told me that I should be the one dominant I laughed as I imagined myself pulling her against the wall lol
I went there because I burned out due bullying in job
I never did anything to her
it's not serious here .. and I gave up on many things
I gave up on unhealthy things mostly
but I have to learn how to say no
everything is unhealthy when you don't know the limits
>>> I need 3 to 5 business days to recover though
but will you have those days?