I only find fakes, those whojyst wanna write but not meet, or if they wanna meet then just because they wanna use you as purse and lot of those girls are psychically ill
like there aren't normal girls in Czechia
also there are lot of liars
and worst thing us that they'll gossip you to other L girls
Czechia is too small so I don't think I'll have chances there
I don't date anyone from here
long distance never works
I still keep painting for you Jane
>>> i kept asking for a green donkey too 😂
I didn't paint for while
you're the only Jane who's coffee addicted and latina from American continent
you asked me to paint fox I told you I'll make it look more spiritual
you had stroke probably because of drinking too much coffee
just take care more of your health
that's why I avoid doctors
I'm trying to stop that gastric bleeding by eating more fiber
4 hours of sleep .. I'll leave u now 👋🏻