Who's ready for a round of r@nd0m questions
If you could meet anybody living or dead who wouldn't be?
It sounds like you both have agood reason for your choices π
>>> We chose dead π
I saw that typically mine would be Bruce Lee. I was just trying to be funny
If you had to describe your yourself in one word, what would it be
Okay okay. Well up the ante describe yourself in three words
>>> Kind, compassionate, combustible
In that order?
>>> Sweet, hardworking and fun
I like a hardworking
What would you like people to remember you as My father
What would you like people to remember you as
>>> Someone that tried her hardest for her kids
How many kids? I got 2
If he could live without any fear, what kind of risks would you take
>>> Iβd say exactly what I feel
My little sister has no filter π€£π€£ And she wonders why everybody calls her a Karen
And that's her name too by the way LOL
A lot of the stuff that comes out of her mouth are the things that we think to ourselves that we want to say
Here's a big question be afraid
What's holding you back from chasing your greatest dream
What do you believe is key to living a fulfilling life And meaningful
Feel frEE t0 toss out your own questions ββββ
>>> Any life choices you would change?
None they have all made me who I am today