>>> I don’t retaliate im not part of anything ...
Lotta of words and braincell activity for a meaningless transaction
>>> Conversation***
>>> Hello r@ndom
Sup home slice
>>> Love me love me
I love pie
>>> This movie looks good
Looks good??? 🤔
Isn't it rated above your years
>>> If I was religous I'd say the end times ar...
What do you mean if I'm sure you have a strong enough belief about something that it will qualify as a cult
>>> Spark I'm going toneed to move countries ...
It's on it's way back y0
>>> Shiii then we gotta deal with mascara wear...
>>> If yall serve kool-aid I'm down
You need down with it forever or seems
>>> What is karma?
She's a Beach ⛱️
>>> That's a lot of confessions
Not if you are bored @f
>>> I'm not trying to quit it
I'm not trying to start
>>> Hi all
I confess I dunno what fluid girl boy is
>>> Hoo boy according to karma quest I gotta c...
It's not like you said you like Billy Ray Cyrus
I confess I dun want grow up I'm a retarded kid. My sister dropped died the stairs when I was little look did it what
>>> iOS works again
It's forever broken
>>> actually today, i was told i had a camelto...
Had? What happen to it 😭
>>> did anyone’s app just stop working? I acci...
How do you accidentally delete an app? Doesn't it ask you like 19 times first
>>> i have a taboo confession
>>> Any ladies wanna hear a confession
@re you confession racist?
>>> I forgot how boring this room is sometimes.
It sounds like you Are subtly confessing that you need to up your game?