We’re all vegan here, so we all agree that animal agriculture is bad. But I’m curious, HOW bad do you guys think it is?
I think animal agriculture has to be the worst atrocity in the entirety of human history
I think it has to be just because of its enormous scale. In terms of suffering, animal agriculture causes more suffering than has ever been experienced by all humans who have ever lived in less than two months.
Even if you value animals one hundred thousandth (0.00001%) that of a human, then when you do the math, it comes out that killing the quantity of animals that we do per year is equal in badness to killing ten million humans every year
And that’s if you value animals 100,000 times less than one human
If there was a genocide that killed 10,000,000 humans every year, I’d think that would be the single worst atrocity. This is what leads me to conclude animal agriculture is the worst atrocity in human history
It’s just an interesting thought I had
Yeah it’s something I realized, the number of animals who are victim every year is so incomprehensibly enormous, that if you assign them a nonzero moral value, even if that moral value is sooo small, it starts to add up given how much animals are affected
So I just did the math, and was really shocked by the result