Does anyone like tributes?
Being trans is not a mental disorder, this is rejected by virtually every psychiatric and mental health organization. It rings of the same pattern when society labeled homosexuality a disorder, when it’s actually not.
Yeah… the evidence disagrees with you. If it was a mental disorder, point out to me the diagnostic criteria for being trans in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. I’ll wait
Being trans is literally a biological reality. What if I told you that although anatomically and chromosomally, someone can be born according to the biological sex of a male, but their brains exhibit more female characteristics?
Being trans is not a choice. There are real neurobiological and psychological differences between men and women, and trans people have a psychology and neurobiology that is more consistent with those of the opposite gender
Being trans happens because sexual differentiation of genitals occurs earlier and independently of the development of the brain, and so in rare cases these two processes can be influenced differently.
An embryo develops male sex characteristics in the presence of androgens in utero within the first trimester. During the second trimester, those same androgens which drive the development of male characteristics can no longer be present, leading to the fetal brain developing in a more feminine...
Also I love people calling trans a mental illness that need to be treated for it, when all the highest quality evidence shows that the way to treat someone who is experiencing the psychological discomfort of a felt sense of being born into the wrong body is to transition and live in greater accordance with one’s gender identity, and with medical and surgical transition being good options for them if they wish to pursue it. Denying this option from them and denying their gender identity is pro...
Interestingly, that correlation does exist but people like to get the causal relationship exactly backward. The way people like to construe it is like this:
First, someone is sexually abused. Then, they become trans as a result.
This causal relationship is backwards. It’s actually:
First, someone comes out as trans. Then, they are sexually abused.
Since trans people are still the victim of hate crimes, if they come out they put themselves in these kinds of risks.
Your anecdotes are not good evidence, but if you’d like, go ahead and send me those studies. I’d love to check them out
I’m not, and again my responses are reactionary. Im responding to others who are expressing their opinions, yet I’m singled out for pushing “my agenda”. Seems there is heavy bias in this room. The one disagreeing with all the other anti-trans messages get a free pass, but when someone responds to them, im “spamming” and “pushing an agenda”??
There’s a very simple solution. Ignore my messages. No one it’s forcing you to read a message that wasn’t to you in the first place.
Says the one being a cry baby about my messages😂
Why not warn the ones who I was originally responding to? There were like 4 of them writing anti-trans nonsense in chat
There was. But I’m just curious, how come nothing was said to them? Only the one defending the biological reality of being trans?