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🦆ducky and Friends

Goood evening✨
Good evening to you Gelli❤️‍🔥
Kitty 😂
Oh no why the tears 🥺
My yellow bubble disappeared 😭
Yellow is such a strong color tho
It is my sp color
Get sp then lol
Sp expensive ducky
*sighs* all my bonuses are so low
Kitty 🎶
Your name is killing me 😂😭
Bear 🫂💕
Hi GelliBelly how are you sweets
Thanks hun hehe 🥰
Room hopping just cause ive been having some good luck in meeting cool people
I should really sleep tho
Awww sweet dreams
Mornin mornin 💕✨
Kitty 💕✨
Hello ㅤ ♱𝐃𝐮𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐚
Gelli hi 💖👋🏻
Gelli jelli how’s you 🥺❤️
Jwu 🥰✨
How’re yall?
I’m good you?
Im still waking up
Aww hope you have a wonderful day
It’s going alright
where is nate
you alive! gasps