What time is it over your way?
Wow you’re 10 and a half hours ahead of me 😂
What are you doing awake right now?!
Talking to my new friend I found 😁
Which city were you in? I forgot 😅
Hahah but you don’t want to sleep?
City or state? 😂 I’m from Utah
You said your friends can’t be always be there for you. I wanna prove you the otherwise 🤪😂
Utah that’s right I remembered again 😂
Hahaha alright! Can’t wait to see you prove me wrong
I’ve gotta go help with dinner but I’ll see you around another time! Thanks for keeping me company friend 😌
Sure. It was nice to meet you
Mornin evenin sweet people 💕
Is that a new chat bubble color on duckyv
Your girl got soft gel extensions for the first time ✨
The nail length is a challenge 😂😭