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Hurt so much
Is that your new bed lol
No! It’s a nursing home bed
Stunning 😍
Always on holiday
Well my hospital is useless
What they done
My foot is actually broken not just my big toe
Foot fractures are more difficult to spot
Jay they didn’t even re xray it’s not a fracture it’s a bad break and showed on the first one
Ohh 😔
You’re permanently injured
I’m signed of sick now for an extra week
Dekcid >> 🎁🌹 >> 🤍Dinkeh Dorris🫧 (+₭500)< [rose][2][24]
Gonna be cheesey now lol happy birthday mini baby belle 😘
Kel >> 🎁🌹 >> 🤍Dinkeh Dorris🫧 (+₭500)< [rose][8][24]
Happy birthday Belle
Who is this stranger
Dentist tomorrow im absolutely shitting myself
New teeth 👀
Going for my first appointment
Thank you dek and Kel! Never been so rough with flu tho so wasn’t the best birthday😆 Good luck today Kel 😁
What a waste of time that was
Robbed me for a 2 min appointment
What did he do
Only looked in my mouth
Was your mouth still there?
Happy belated birthday Doris 🎂
Fuzzald it always appears to be completely empty wherever you go lol
Not a person in sight
Also room has a curse for foot injuries 😂 f is wrong with you all