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Slipped on the stairs broken my big toe sprained and badly bruised my foot oh and my right arse cheek is bruised to he’ll
Are you just clumsy? 😂
Be less clumsy You could fall and knock a tooth out
🤭 oh wait 😭😭 when do the new gnashers comes
Well that wouldn’t happen not even been measured for them yet
Still 😭😭
New nickname: Big toe
You’re mad Lol
Looks like a fudging marshmallow
Bet that hurt Kel
Turk that’s just my foot
Look at this bruise
Kel! that looks horrendous 🫣
That’s pretty savage Kel. Shouldn’t it be in a cast?
Never mind I read back, it’s just sprained
🦽 here
That other bruise is on my arse lol
I’ve got my foot in a boot
Got my foot in bandage
What u done lol
Jeez you two 😅😂
Goose fat accident. Pulled out the wire rack in the oven. The pan of goose fat slid straight off.
Roast pork and roast potatoes didn’t happen. Ended up with subway wrap at the hosp at 9pm And the roast on Monday
Well that was a bit silly u plonked
Hurt so much
Is that your new bed lol
No! It’s a nursing home bed
Stunning 😍
Always on holiday
Well my hospital is useless
What they done
My foot is actually broken not just my big toe
Foot fractures are more difficult to spot
Jay they didn’t even re xray it’s not a fracture it’s a bad break and showed on the first one
Ohh 😔
You’re permanently injured
I’m signed of sick now for an extra week