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Kuzey Amerika/

NNorth Dakota

i love learning new stuff
Funny part, our deployments are twice as long as regular army
National guard is state, reserve is federal. Same idea.
Guard also handles state emergencies
Tony, I'm sorry if my disagreements with you earlier came off as a personal attack or an oversimplified exaggeration. i should have phrased my contrasted views in a more civil manner. i respect you and i apologize.
Apology accepted
Lately people flip out too easily
🤝 🤜🤛
🤝 🤜🤛
it's very difficult times politically in this country no matter which side you may feel more aligned with
frightening time in our history just speaking about the polarization alone
One of the major hurdles is people not allowing people to think differently than them
You're shut down and called racist
Or sexist
Transphobic, garbage like that
People need to get to know you before saying that garbage
i think it's best those are discussions we avoid most likely
Those aspects usually shine through pretty fast
I'll admit, I've been an @sshole before
I wish you two had kept talking. It was a good discussion
It wasn't going anywhere
Ya feel me?
I won't answer that. 😆
Fer shizzle
Extra salt on the frizzle 🍟
Heavy pickles on my double cheeseburger
Yeesss! Love pickles
But they have to be dill
Dr Pepper my brutha Anotha fo ya mutha Double Double SuperSize And don’t forget the friiiiies
Proof or we ignore you
Try job service
Attention all scammers:
What happened to swerve
Into what?
The wall
He ded?
Most likely