I'm doing a bit of gaming before bed.
I floss thoroughly at night, then I'll floss a bit during the day depending on what I eat.
I've had braces twice as an adult. I try to take care of my teeth lol
It's a high bar only because I'm tall yellow. lol
well then the bar isn't that high, yellow! lol
I recommend turning on something interesting to listen to while you floss.
I can easily spend 10 minutes flossing lol
I used to hate flossing tho, so i get it
I am a multi tasker. I'm doing my daily tasks on my live service game via PC, then I have Anti open on one side of my tablet, and a browser on the other side where I'm catching up with the world news lol.
Gotta take full advantage of my time. Same with flossing haha
Yeah, needless to say I tend to not wear heals or platform shoes very often haha
>>> Multi tasking is fart while you sneeze
>>> Blue voice is soothing
I'm good chief. How are you?
Anyway, I gotta hit the hay. Good night my lovelies. And Dave 😂