I think it's important to understand why people do the things they do. That doesn't mean the person's actions are any less wrong, just that we are looking at the whole. We are all more than the worst things we've done.
>>> It’s interesting, because even when severa...
So true.
That's awful about your kindle! ☹️
>>> Would you then think all of these follower...
I think it's hard to take an absolute stance and say that "all" of any group would or would not do something, ir what they think. I am personally not part of any organized religion, but expect there are some who will follow blindly while others may question. There have been some social studies that show people will often follow the crowd even when the crowd is is wrong and the person themselves have the right answer.
>>> My father and his family are jehovahs witn...
😱😱 what a combination. That's rough.
I think people tend to find comfort in religion because some people find real solace in thinking there is someone "bigger" than them watching out for them, in the way that children find comfort in knowing their parents are close by. Or that there is a "reason" for what they're experiencing. It can make life easier to deal in those cases. It's not like that for me, as I take a more mechanistic and astrotheist view of the universe.
Humans tend to be very fearful of the unknown. Little unknowns and large unknowns.