>>> Who says you're right tho?
It's not my opinion; this is in Scripture. God tells us in the OT that those who speak to read people need to be put to death. We read there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus in Romans 8. We read that all have sinned and fallen short of God's Glory in Romans 3. We read not to go beyond what is written in Scripture in 1 Corinthians 4. We read that Mary had sinned and had other children in Luke 1 and Matthew 1.
We read that to be saved, we must repent and believe The Gospel in Mark 1. Rome disagrees with all that.
>>> You will not be saved, you are lying to yo...
Where is God's Word wrong?
>>> You’re saying a lot and giving references ...
Catholics and Orthodox don't believe The Bible. All of those references I provided they disagree with.
>>> How about you roll with pure faith instead...
Aren't Catholics normally the ones putting rules before faith? That's the point I'm trying to make; we can't follow the rules! Only Jesus can! That's why you can't find salvation in Rome but only in Jesus!
>>> Who says catholics and orthodox do not bel...
They themselves don't believe The Bible. They believe a different Gospel, disagreeing with 2 Corinthians 5:21
>>> And try to be good people not because some...
But Romans says we have no good in ourselves and everything we do is tainted. Only The Holy Spirit working in us can do any good!
>>> Literally people trying to tear down Chris...
But Catholicism isn't Christianity...
>>> i confess i desire a boyfriend who has a g...
Romans 1, Ephesians 5. Homosexuality is against how God intends marriage. But there is hope in Christ! Turn to Him and He will cleanse you of this and all unrighteousness!
>>> I think I need to shake a demon
Read The Scriptures (I'd start with John or Psalms), pray, put yourself in a good church! You can't shake the demon... but Jesus can! Jude tells us to rebuke the demons in Jesus' Name, we cannot do it ourselves!
I think based on passages like Matthew 13 and 28, Psalms 72, Isaiah 65, etc. we still have a long way to go. The world must be full of His Glory!