I don't play cod no more tho
>>> Any insecure girls with daddy issues DMs a...
Right here
I am a secure girl with hella issues
Flash you’re breaking my heart 😭😭
K got more daddy issues than tentacles
Secure with issues, sounds like a ring camera.
I bet ob still went to wack off.
I'm an insecure man with anxiety
He probs likes the glide of period blood
I got heavy into bg3 here recently
I got bad cramps so period secks got me crying
But haven't played cod since cold war 😔
That was my last cod game too
>>> I fall in love at hi
Sound like Tito
Then i saw mw3 and all the hype and i had to try it
Mmm maybe I'm not that bad
Is it just a dlc for mw2? Or is it stand alone?
Lmfaooo Larry tito is my bestie 😒
It’s basically mw2 apparently but fixed
A much better version of it
I just wish they would make a Blackout 2, that, to me, was the best battle royal ever
They got almost everything perfect with that
I wish I understood video games
I'll teach you video games if you teach me grammar
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