I had no clue about that 😂
Nor that neon tetra fish form a…line when going trough a narrow hole
I can believe that. They naturally live in schools (groups) and work together.
Well did you know that back in the day people thought kissing a donkey would cure toothache
I did not know that lil wives tale.
Rabbits can’t hurl oddly enough
I’m having a quiet evening at home. How’s you SB
I’m having a quiet day. Just got done making French toast for the starving teenagers.
I tried some a odd bread today
Oats, nuts, peanut butter and flower and sometimes else. Look horrible bit tasted good
Morning hippies and oldish souls
Toad! The voices in my head argue lol
Mine to, I tend to lean towards the nuttiest one 😂
Hi newbie, why don't you go to profile, edit and choose a name for yourself, most rooms will require it
Everyone must have been out enjoying the weather today.
The app has been all but dead today.
I wish I had been to Woodstock