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HHippies & Old Souls

I feel like less talk about my behind could possibly benefit me in the long run 🤔
😂😂 yes, let's not anymore
Rocky agrees with that too, I am sure, no Toad's ass talk anymore 😂😂
Even though Toad talks out of his ass sometimes 🤭😂😂😂🤣
At the least I’m wearing pans…wast improvement
I like my arse 🤷😂
It’s delightful
Right *cough cough* moving on
Again, too much talking about it, wth is it made of 😂😂😂
What makes your ass more special than othets asses 🤣🤣🤣
Oh it’s sweet as sugar and twice as sweet on Sundays 😂😂
Oh geez 🤢
Step right up n grab a feel 🤣🤣😂😂😂
Hell no!! 🤣🤣🤣
Then you’ll just have to take my word for it 🤷😂
🙄 If I must
I tried to show a cartoon one but anti blocked it 😂
Thank goodness lol
Not mine 🙄🤣
How is the Goddess of War doing ?
😋 I am doing okay, how are you Rocky 😁
More importantly why aren’t you steppin in Rocky when my arse s under attack 😂😂😂
You know they gunning for yours next 👀
He's just being a spectator lol
I wanna say shhh but…I’m oddly afraid to 😂😂😂
🤣🤣 I'll get the paddle
I knew it …. 🏃 👀
Hello Toad and Rose, hope y'all are having a nice Sunday! 🌹
Hello AshBash 👋🏽🩷🩷. Yes i am enjoying the day. Hby
It's going well. Just relaxing much needed
Sounds like a perfect Sunday
I discovered this wonderful soft cheese 🤩
Flaming hot to 😁
Oh my 😮
But it’s so tasty on a cracker that it’s redonk
Wasn’t that strong so I added chili flakes
Is this a type of spread? Bet I can't even find it here.
Sorry for late reply. It was a perfect Sunday! I rarely get to just lay around and do ZERO!
Sounds awesome though lol
And yes it’s a spread cheese absolutely delicious