It was wonderful and I’m doing well and also tired too
hello cuties!! how yall doing?
just deciding if i can drink this beer in 12 mins or i should wait 🤔
I'd have it downed by now
im in a marathon not a sprint
yano my ticket ain’t been looked at once this whole journey 😖 i remember when i was reckless and would just jump on with no ticket
i guess i’m a chicken these days lol
Having a file at 18 isn't as forgiven as 40 lol
Getting away with tickets when you're young seem so easy
it was lol idgaf about anything when i was young
Idk what we’re talking about but same lol
I don't either, I just jumped in
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
I’m dead on the floor lol
>>> I’m dead on the floor lol
How I'm tryna get
Right lol anyway how are you hunny?
I'm tired sweetie. I keep getting woken up every day by my cat around 4am 😩
She wakes me up for cuddles so it's hard to hate her 😭
Awe cuddles are always wonderful and awe I hope you get better sleep tonight and me I’m doing well Ty hun🖤
Good to hear 😃wyd today then
Today pick up something from the store and then go to a meeting and then homework, wby?
Oh yeh like work meeting ? I just have work tbh
I'm gonna try and sleep for an hour or 2... I catch you later and hopefully your meeting and classes go well!
Yes work meeting, and thank you so much you rest well and have a wonderful day!