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🏝🏳️‍🌈Isle of Lesbos🥥🍒

Archive me harder
I never laughed so hard
For the first 6 months or so of our friendship she had me in archives the whole time 🙄 wel that was her excuse for not replying to me anyway 😒
I need a lesbian
Oh Joanne.
>>> For the first 6 months or so of our friend... 😂😂😂Oh to be archived
That’s not true it was only sometimes I archived you.
Selective archivism 😒 even worse
Have you greeted kmn yet?
>>> I need a lesbian We ran out.
Nvm 🙄
I am buzz. The lesbian
How I always introduce myself 😌
ZE lesbienz
I’m wavy af rn I had a Xanax with a beer and a joint and I feel just lovely gotta say
Oh yeah well I had a vitamin gummy with my lunch so I’m the more hardcore buzz
But no I have to Resort to narcotics lol
Why don’t you have melatonin gummy’s
lol I could send Lilith into cvs and she could buy them rn
But can she get a kinder surprise egg with a toy inside?
I'm a kinder egg with a surprise inside
Yes we have those here lol
But not the kinder elephants or whatever they are
That’s a kinder joy you showed, a kinder surprise is different but idk how 🤷‍♀️
No it’s not you just made that up
*throws chicken in your yawn hole
Lmao chicken in your yawn hole 🤣
Liv chokes on chicken for a living
She spends her days choking the chicken... got it
Write that down
I heard she doesn't chew her food either
She swallows it whole
And while she's struggling for air she manages to reach over and turn on Harry styles for choking motivation
On Harry styles
Or whatever you said lmao
I think death is the goal but she throws it up and just eats it regular. She has to get her fix first
I saw her in the confession room saying all of this
lol why do you lie so much? Is that a Texas thing?
Oh hey livvy 🥰
Oop 🍿
Wake up lezbeinz