ppl in india hit chapals on grasshoppers 😋😋😋 bsdk
Ppl of anti stress “gts” bsdk
blind squirrels gts now 😋😋😋 bsdk
Drogoniee 🫶🥰🥳✨❄️✨❄️✨❄️ bsdk
When all we hear are the empty promises and lies
That leave behind broken hearts and shattered lives,
When trust is gone and hope is lost,
What are we fighting for and who really pays the cost? bsdk
>>> No you bsdk
only yu 😂😂😂
>>> Get in the pan 😋😋😋 bsdk
yu get ina wok 😂😂😂
kya karu .. ake me khandala 🤔🤔🤔 bsdk
Arey ghume nachenge gayenge or kya bsdk
i do that anyway here 😂😂😂 bsdk
N where is ur here .? bsdk
Tell ur ur state without telling me name of ur state bsdk
For example my state .. it's very easy n very obvious.. bsdk
Hamare yaha BC Gali nahi emotion hota hai bsdk
Yaha pe gali de sakte h? bsdk
Some extreme could get u prison bsdk
Utho murgi jago loraai karna hai 🐥🐥🐥✨ bsdk
Nvm happy Friday chikun 🦥🦥🦥✨ bsdk
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯☀️ ⋯ ..Good Morning..
. .((
. . .)
. ( (
████╝ bsdk
happy fry day to yu too grasshopper 😋😋😋 bsdk
Got any plans chikun 🦥🦥🦥✨ bsdk