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AAntistress 🇮🇳

I haven't been to New ors since the first day I joined 😂 bsdk
Newbies* bsdk
Tbh anti is not the same anymore bsdk
I dont like newbies bsdk
This gc is like our private room bsdk
It used to be more ded bsdk
Atleast it moves now bsdk
>>> Tbh anti is not the same anymore bsdk Nah not like it was 2019-2020
I joined in 2023 dec bsdk
I been around for a minute 😂 bsdk
How long u here? bsdk
I first joined during the pandemic so 2019-2020 bsdk
Me join last year bsdk
I've been off and on though bsdk
A few new accounts 😂 bsdk
My third account now bsdk
what does it mean? lel bsdk
He said it means Don't be a chutiya bsdk
be a chutiya and chod more 🥹 bsdk
Hi chutiyas bsdk
chutiyaaa bsdk
Gts bsdk
>>> be a chutiya and chod more 🥹 bsdk 🤣
Bunny a bsdk
🐇 bsdk
This ! Gc bsdk
Eel 💀 bsdk
Eel a bsdk
Hai bsdk
So jao bsdk
Just like stress baitch bsdk
Bsdk in getting in my tongue too
Hi bsdk
Yaa yaa bsdk
Ethan bsdk
Annn bsdk