It just sucks because the reason wasn’t valid
It’s basically cause I’m broke rn and looking for a job but haven’t found a new one in a minute so he was saying I’m not moving forward so he doesn’t want me in his life but he’s also just quit his job and owes people money alongside struggling with bills so he’s essentially in debt consistently lately
In debt is worse than broke and his main reasoning was me being broke rn
Imma get a job and then not be broke so why not be my friend
He’s kicking me for being down when he’s down himself
Second one sounds pretty accurate
Yeah and I’d get it if he was like hey do you want me to try and find some jobs near you or something but instead he just said ✌️ peace out when he doesn’t even have a job himself
I’m trying my best to just leg it got but we were close enough his little brother was named after me
His lil brother’s middle name is my name
🪸I offer you some coral as a friendly gift
I’m meh but imma eat some pizza so not bad
I just don’t like most fruits or vegetables consistencies so I like them as juices or just ones that have nice consistency like dragonfruit
I’m gonna eat some pepperoni 🍕 pizza
That’s why I’m eating pizza 🍕
I can relate to that quite a bit