I’m waiting for my duo to get on for me to use my protected match
I’m not good at building unless it’s for defense
And I’ve made it to basically the third highest rank
There’s ranked and non ranked Fortnite
And as you can see I’m 96% through the last step of diamond which is right before the third highest rank
I’m just mainly good at survival and being cheeky
Most people struggle to get past platinum the step b4 diamond so it’s pretty 🔥 that I��m almost the step above that
Yuh 👍 Fortnite in the higher ranks is about strategy and survival to get late game kills more than anything
I camp in trees and bushes
Campers can also be skilled high ranked players, but yes, they are a pain in the butt
Idk I’m higher ranks is than 90%of players and get more than 5 killsmost games and more than 10 in unranked ones
Even my hiding methods take skill
Not really I snipe the hell out of people which takes a lot of skill when most people can crank to the sky in 1 sec
I sit in treetops and wait to hear shots then find and eliminate the people
I do all of these things too I just also hide so I can insure I make it late game
I don’t know I’ve been running this whole game and there’s only 10 more people left
I’ve just been avoiding people and moving into circle because it keeps closing on my butt
Idk I’m definitely better than anyone who plays zero build because if you play zero build you might as well play pubg mobile cause it’s that easy
Exactly it’s like Fortnite with training wheels