So white and black is a real thing
The occult is very much real and very much dangerous
Magic can be a blessing or a nightmare
Magic can do good and it can also do bad
But you can't have light without darkness and vice versa
Magic is meant to be a balance but it can also be abused
So everyone is capable of learning it
>>> But when has it ever been proven?
I have seen it with my own eyes
Well I'm not going to openly talk about it
But people shouldn't get involved with the occult
Young people are drawn to the occult but later it will backfire
>>> Alright well then apart from your personal...
Well yes you just have to go find the truth but you have to go find it yourself
Proof has always been there too
I always think you have yo search for answers yourself
>>> Ok so if you want to know how nuclear reac...
We are talking magic not nuclear stuff
>>> This is infinitely unhelpful. Like, even i...
You can hold anything to your own standard tbh
But you should always look for answers and proof yourself
Like what I hold to my own standards might not mean anything to you or vice versa
I mean I don't need validation from others though
Magic is real it doesn't have to be real to you though
What works for me maybe wouldn't work for you
I mean you can tell people whatever you like
Each person is responsible for finding the truth
I mean you don't have to hold the same views as another person