But to have a naked woman surrounded by a mob marched through the street is disgusting
I don't give a dam who it doesn't reach
My point is my point and if you don't like it or get it oh well I will not cry
Like I said ignorance is a choice
I don't give a dam about your examples either
I don't give a dam about the Indian military ethier
India has had no humanity in decades
If there was humanity Indian women would be safe
Gang R@pes wouldn't be normalised either
Parading naked women through the streets isn't normal behaviour
Killing muslim children in kashmir isn't normal either
So yeah seems your law and order to my law and order are different things
My law and order would never harm innocent people I.e murder kids based on religion or look for people to lynch in the streets
>>> So why so much hatred ?
Good question
Turtle lots of people believe everything the media says
They believe it without even doing there own research
It's weird for me as I observe everything from atheist eyes
And religious people killing other religious people is so nuts
>>> maybe u can take this convo to ur dms next...
Yeah I agree they were both disrespectful