Sup red bird. How you doing today?
>>> The room named changed bee
>>> I'm malfunctioning and you
Whats the matter?
Now south africans wont find the room
>>> The flag bro
I see. Well i guess what matters is it still has all the beautiful people in here
Lol whose troubling you bird?
You sure. Il take out my shambok. We can sort them out
You keep your kuvukiland sjambok😁
I think that covers it all
>>> Back
There. Didn't miss it
>>> On the bottom
And that
Today i was told to reverse backwards 🙄
No lol the car guard told me
Yeah i did. I dint even correct him.
>>> Have we seen bee?
What you mean
>>> Bee did you drop?
Like its hot? Yes from time to time
I haven't seen any of yall
>>> I dropped 3 today and got some 20yr old al...
Hmmm. Well done. You pulling the young ones
20 year old man... No not a baby.