Queen bee. Here you go. Eat away
Dillard, my bad. You always nice to everyone
Im not decent😢il work on it
>>> Hi bee ntmy 😊
Sorry for the late reply but what does ntmy mean?
Oh thank you. Im learning
Ntmyt🤗.... Does that work?
Damn. Maybe 1 day i will invent something.
But it must be to better the lives of people, especially the ones that are suffering while we sit in luxury... Please say amen or aameeen
>>> 😂😂😂 just not today
One day is one day, as us south africans say when we see and m3 drifting past
>>> Blessed be the Mother, the Crone, and the ...
Elaborate. Is this a religion?
Are you a part of that religion?
I believe we should respect everyone, and everyone should pray for guidance to the right path.
Well i think im killing the room with my topics agains. So im going to play some apex legends. You guys have a great time and
>>> Define the “right path”
Oh. Well i believe in a single creator. What ever path pleases him, i ask him to guide me to it
I have no cuddles. Just massage my head and neck
When people start hating becuase of religion, race, tribes and any differences. I think they are ignorant
>>> I have no cuddles. Just massage my head an...
Lol i massage my head and neck on my own. May your love become stronger and last forever with you and her always reminded of how blessed yall are
Challenge with words in a kind way. Some people wont accept becuase of many reason, be it pride, power, arrogance, hate. But i believe i have to ask my creator to save from those attributes and make me from those who are truthful even if it's against myself
Thats it for me. Im out. Take care, be safe and wish you are happiness and joy