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🐼Truth Dare Chill 🐼

Well, I finally found a show that I can binge for a while....
>>> Well, I finally found a show that I can bi... Anime 👀 sad ones
>>> Well, I finally found a show that I can bi... Which one?
A cartoon that's been on for thirty five years, l o l over seven hundred episodes🤣
The Simpsons 🤣
I never got to watch it when it was on t.V.. I've seen maybe a cou
I've seen maybe a few episodes, but not most of them
Oh nice!
700 episodes 😱
I watch through family guy as a background show
Yeah, the great thing is about cartoons is that they can go on indefinitely.L o l
One...... peice
Of .... what
Lol thats the anime name
One piece
Yeah very long
Yeah, I see.There are over a thousand episodes with that one🤣
Yeah xD its a Huge Bindge watch
Anyone wanna play
I'm 4 play
Good morning
Sup panda! How’s you?
The tutoring room is two doors down on the left
Good morning everyone
That's a good one 😆
Mulder 👀👀
Haha hello KFP
Long time no seeî
Hello there
How's you??