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We test for speed , durability, and taste 🥴

We test for speed , durability, and taste 🥴
Glad I started deadlifting with mine
All natural wood, or synthetic?
No pumps allowed
Natural of course
I really like a nice oak wood 😮‍💨
Mine tends to be a white oak
🤣🤣🤣 tends …? What about the other times
Sucks I’m more of a redwood 🥺
I’m a tan oak it’s all good
You going to let me apply varnish to you?
🤣🤣☠️☠️ go get your damn collar
Make me
Wanna wrestle?
She will win. I don’t think you want to get her started
If she wins I’ll do whatever she tells me
It’s red?
No 😂
It’s probably pink