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Smooth brains
Jealous or what dog
Why you on my meat too
Jealous or what dog
Why you on my meat too
Bro spends his time copy and pasting other men’s messages
And internet drama. I genuinely pity you bro
Bro spends his time copy and pasting other men’s messages
settle down pls.
And internet drama. I genuinely pity you bro
spread love
>>> spread love it's spelled legs*
Hope life gets better genuinely bro I know you don’t get much attention
Hope life gets better genuinely bro I know you don’t get much attention
I mean it. You can always dm me if things are tough we can talk.
I mean it. You can always dm me if things are tough we can talk.
ok im bored of u now
Then you try to talk to a girl and get ignored 😂😂
Biscuit is crazy angry OMG sooo blocked him
Yeah haha
>>> Then you try to talk to a girl and get ign... Happens all the time
Did everything calm down?
Yeah I just can’t be in here. People can’t handle it I guess
Who losed fat today
I prolly gained some since this morning 💁🏻‍♂️
Wassup. random question to the skinny girls
Is it better if it's thicker, or longer?
If you have to ask 💁🏻‍♂️
Damn he's cooking
>>> Is it better if it's thicker, or longer? Hahaha
Sadist dom. Cnc kink. Hmu iyk.
Just a smidge in the wrong place... 🤣
...next to deadly.
>>> Depends Well yeah it depends what the women likes more
The chat never recovered
No boobs no chat loool