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🌞Skinny Girls🌝

How are you feeling?
I feel ok, how are you
Hootie hoooooo
How you been
I have been ok, how are you?
Ive been alright myself ty ty
Can I ask for insight on something
Sure message me
Doesn’t sound too good 🫣 wanna talk about it?
No, I am going to say it here.
Im feeling great actually I arrived at Croatia yesterday for a full week of just cycling haha
Is Croatia that close to you
It’s 3h away by car
Holy cap
Yeah it’s nice haha but the streets here are so bad 😂 my butt hurts after just two days hahahaha
how are you form
Hi Skinny lady
Hi newbie
Hi girls)
So, this guy I have been talking to, I told him mentally I was going through something and feel like shutting down. He said he would prefer I vocalize if I need space, I agreed and said I always vocalize. He stops talking to me for four days without notice, but is looking at all my things I post. He messaged me today saying he was giving me space and thought about me all weekend, but he never said that. I told him it was weird that he wanted me to say I needed space but did not think he had t...
to say it to me. Am I in the wrong for finding that wrong
If you wanted space and he gave it to you what's wrong with that
I mean you even said that you would vocalize it so I think it’s weird he just decided that on his own or am I getting your wrong here?
you are wrong
Well texting is a gambling game, what if he interpreted something as you wanting some space. Talk it out 🤷‍♂️
Hey ditzy!
I never said I wanted space. I said I would let him know if I needed it and he left the messages on read after that
Correct, he decided for himself
Oh then l don't know what to say. Maybe he needed space
It just confused me because if you say you want me to communicate but you do not, then that seems hypocritical.
I dunno but thanks
Hi fox
It's ok sorry l don't have the answer but good luck
As I got to know you so far I would say you’re a pretty direct person not beating around the bush so idk why he thought like this. Have you told him that you thought it’s weird?
I did and this is what he said
Hmmm do you want my honest opinion on this?
I did ask for insight so yes
Well he semi explained what happened and expressed he didn't want to lose you
Just to be clear, he and I are not dating.
But you like each other I guess?
I meant as a friend that's the way l read the screen shot