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I am doing well. How are you?
Pretty good. Just finishing up a night shift
Oh very nice.
3 more hours
You are up early
Yeah I am hoping I get another nap in.
The end of my shift has went to crap
Oh no I am sorry to see that
Good morning y’all
Good morning
It’s ok. We made it through
That's good lol
Morning MM
Hi Starr
How's the day?
Lol hello.
Good morning y’all
Good morning!
Good morning
Good morning. 🤗🤗
It’s a beautiful day
It was a beautiful day
Hey strangers. I lost my old account as I can’t login! Using this one until they fix the issue. Hope everyone good.
Ooops lol
Hey HVAC 🤗🤗🤗 glad to see you
Hey Star. I couldn’t text ya cause your wall too high.
Hey there Tt
🤗🤗🤗 for everyone
Dang walls.
Yes so that means you must message me ma’am if not you not in this account list
They said I deleted my account. They said it should work now. Not sure how I’ve done this twice now😂
Lol you have iPhone yes?
Login through web
Thank you. That how he is chatting now. 😁
Hello Rasgulla
Yes iPhone. I still can’t get my old account working so gonna start fresh with this one.
Hello how are you
I'm good tyvm.
I'm doing well. I'm just driving home from work. Hope your day was a good one
Yay your day is over. Are you off on the weekend? Be safe out there. It was busy but good ty🤗🤗
I work tomorrow but yes my day is done today
Any plans after work
Not really. My son and I just sat down to watch a movie. Seems interesting so far
That's awesome .
Yeah. Lol it's a rare occassion when he and I agree on a movie.
Well that's great!!
Which movie did ya'll pick
Mortal instruments: city of bones
It's on Tubi TV
Never seen it
I really enjoyed it. Hadn't heard of it either but any movie I stay awake through gets my two thumbs up lol
Sounds like a good one
Hey star how are you
Hello everyone. Hope you all have something good planned for the weekend.
Star G hi
Good evening everyone
Good evening MnM
Hello friend Starr
How have you been my friend?
I'm good thanks for asking
I am glad to see that
*slowly eat strawberries*☺️☺️🍓🐿️
Starr 🥰🥰🥰
How are you sweet Speedo?
Good hbu🥰🥰🥰
I am ok. Thank you.
Yummy strawberries.
Do you like strawberries star?
I do like strawberries but I buy bananas most often. 😁
Good combo
How's star
afternoon all
Good evening everyone
Good morning lol
Hey Starr 😘
How are you?
I’m doing well. Just bought a new truck the other day and out enjoying it
How are you doing?
I see there are a few people still on this app. Ahoy!
Hey there Walter. 🤗🤗
Not many lol
How s texas