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All good I guess
Trying something. Maybe ...
How are you??
I’ve been better. Happy new year
Happy New Year. Sending hugs.
Try from your side?
Your karmas too high for me
Hey room what’s up
Back to the grind after the holidays
Ohhhh I forgot lol
Ok lower now. Lol
Hi Poly
How's it going?
I'm done. No more today. I acted like an adult for most of the day. Lol
How are you?
I'm good thanks for asking
Glad to see that. I'm always happy to see you.
Thank you.
It's snowing here 🥶
It’s not snowing here 😂😂😂
I'd like some snow. But sadly it's all heavy heavy rain....
I have the urge to have a snowball fight.... Can't do it without snow.
⛄️ ❄️ 🏈
Because they don’t have a snowball emoji lol
Lol I figured lol
We need more emojis 😂😂😂
Yeah we do.
I’m starting to get the different convos confused 😂😂😂
Well three different rooms will do that
lol makes my head hurt 😂😂
Lol pick one then silly.
lol. I already pick my nose 😂😂😂😂
Hahaha eewwwe
lol. I think we all secretly do. Most just don’t talk about it 😂😂😂
Sometimes you just have to. Blowing your nose just doesnt always work.
I knew it 😂😂😂
Official: Starr is a nose picker 😂😂😂
🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ gotta do what you gotta do.
I know lol. Me too. I can’t tell ya everything I do gross lol.
But I always was my hands after lol
Hahahahaha. *Puts the brakes on in her imagination. 🫣🫣🫣
Hey sometimes women are the worst lol
Good evening everyone