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Are u prejudice?
IM GOD ....
Why you are so mean ..... be more creative instead odmf sending or comparing small beards with the long ones...or some of you lying that they have 18 inches of beard but actually after the picture you see only 4-5inches 🤣🤣
What do you guys achieve with that ...like I was expecting to share some ideas on how you make it grow....or what products you make it grow faster bla bla bla ...
Make it more creative
Hey everyone 🙂...
And stop lying with long beards when u have small beards .... like cmon ...whats that ....few hairs on the face
This is a group with tiny beards most of it .....that should it call
Tiddies......I see only beards haha
Or you meant your tiddies as male 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This a group for all kinda beard. Who are u to tell how long they should grow their beard???
No beard
Hiya people. Happy weekend
if filthy gross messed up stuff turns u on, hmuu😈🥵nastier n darker the better
Can u please elaborate?
Looks good
Hello sexy joy 😍😍
Thats an awesome drop 🥰
Morning lovelies 🥰🥰🥰
Looking good joy
Hey sassy 🤗
Sasso hon 😍😍
Biggi 🤗🤗🤗
Doxi 🤗🤗🤗
How r u today hon
Work sweet work as usual
Holla 🤗🤗🤗
Doxi 🥰
Happy weekend
Thx I'm working
What I miss
N just up from a false fire alarm down 7 floors n back up on a metal staircase
Oh my