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I need to hear some horror stories
No. The end
Do any of you believe in paranormal?
U got some stories?
I felt something once
I dont know whether it was hallucination or real
Tell us
After my grandma's funeral. I was lying in the bed. Late at night. Alone in my bedroom. I was little bit sleepy. I saw my grandma standing my bed ans she was sprinkling water.
I thought it was early. morning time. She normally use to worship her God early morning and then sprinkle water on my face, while I am sleeping in my bed. Giving me blessings. That was her morning ritual.
So I was like sleepy. Thinking its the regular morning ritual. (My family follows hindu religion)
Shes just protecting you one last time
But within seconds I realised that she was cremated today. How can she be near my bed?
I just sat on my bed. Trying to touch her and no one was there
She was just watching u
I was so scared. I started shivering. I left my room and ran to my parent's bedroom. I ended up sleeping next to my parents that night.
Awww that's cute doe u got the last goodbye
Maybe you are right. Actually I dont believe in paranormal. I never felt anything paranormal in my life before. So I try to justify it with scientific temper that it was something I hallucinated.
But it felt so real
Probably was real
Yes. Actually when she use to come to our house. I use to share my bedroom with her. But when she had an heart attact. She was at my uncle's place. So I couldn't see her during her last moments
Mhm final goodbye
I was 18 years old. When this incident happened. I was so scared. For 2-3 weeks I couldn't sleep in my bedroom.
Have you ever felt something like this before?
Like something you can term it as paranormal?
Talking to my wife
Cozy weather out