Tbh I tossed it back last minute lmaoo
😂😂I was like what if I dont like it even doe I love the cake version
I need an extra day this weekend lol
Just opening my eyes and u start the violence
Control ya son tighten his leash
No one keeps Loki on a leash no prison shall ever hold me 😤😤
🤨all I gotta do is throw u in a prison with a gameboy
Out of the darkness the zombie did call, true pain and suffering he brought to them all, away were the children off hiding in their beds, in fear the devil will cut off their heads
Its Sunday im not taming anyone lol
😤🙄 stomped out of room slams door
If ya dont sit ur curly tail down you're gonna lose it
Getting drinks getting drunk tonight
I’m rebel mother rules don’t apply to Loki ✌️