Trying new show called Devil in Ohio
Did you watch midnight mass?
Loki finally has his own show and it would be about a cult
It was kinda weird watching it I know these places lol
😂lmfao cause its about u and ur area
🤨is you from Amon county bro
I’m in Columbus area put I been up north Ohio
Ahh so north ohio is the crazy place
Yes closer you get to Cleveland crazier it gets lol
😌ima base whole ohio just off this show
Hulk am scary monster
Rawr rawr rawr
I'd be scared if a bear walked up to me haha
Anyone else into b or lower grade absolute shit tier horror films?
Somehow even though both are low grade: I hate piranha 3-DD but love thankskilling 2
Quality dog shit vs simulated dog shit. Just my take, but I don't think I'm far off.
Thoughts on death of a unicorn?