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I don’t own any anymore but I’ve been looking to get more
I don’t do anything but work and I can’t wear them to work lol
I work in casino management y
oops ignore the y lol
No I don’t have the people skills for that
lol yes they do
I keep to myself in an office
No. Solo office work?
It gets very boring
I usually have a tv show on or something
Sometimes I’ll go to the floor and judge people
Hahaha I’m in the same boat only been here about 4 years
Thinking about going back to school to do forensic science
I want fishnets lol
Then I can be like Abby on Ncis
I want Abby to run her tests on me
I know! I’m also thinking about just getting a masters instead of starting over but idk what I want to get it in
Mines in art history
It’s so expensive!
My favorite statue is the weary Herakles painting is Judith slaying holofernes
What’s your favorite?
Mine’ll be in psych
That’s a good one! So haunting
Cronus was a weird guy
Oh man I’d love to visit Spain. We had to learn a foreign language for the degree and had to do a giant project and I got Spain
Some day I’ll visit!
Germany is top of my list right now
I want to see the cologne cathedral so bad
I cry about it 😭
I’d be so jealous
Maybe I will!
lol don’t do that
I can get my choker lol and my LBD on for a quick pic
If anyone would wanna see
👀👀let’s see
You’re welcome
>>>📷 *inserts "would" image*
wuddup peeps
Hey hey