hope you goth baddies are well
what’s the word, you cute little critters?
how’s the day coming along?
It’s okay so far. Last day before a 3 day weekend!
I know!!! I’m so ready for it! Haven’t been off more than 1 day, if that, in like 4 months!
holy sht! yeah, you deffo deserve this time for yourself to do literally whatever you want :3
I know I will be doing just that lol.
Going to the oddities and curiosities convention Sunday and doing a bug mounting! I can’t wait
oh my god i’ve never done a bug mounting i’ve always wanted to 😭
bro, you’re lined up for three days of sheer bliss lmao that sounds so dope
odditycuriosity shops are always so neat
Yes I’m so excited! Can’t wait to get all the things
gotta show us your haul when you can!!
spooky painting and crow bones and all that, lmao
I will! It’s not until Sunday!!
Yes yes! Last year I got a bunch of buggies and stuff
awww what kind of bugs? ;w;
i literally love bugs so much. bugs and marine life are my fave forms of life
I love bugs too☝ I think I told you or someone lol that my bathroom is bug themed. I got a carpenter bee rhinoceros beetle and a dung beetle
That’s my bathroom so far
yes, i remember this convo! bro, these are so fcking cool!!
Thank you!! It’s my favorite room in the house lol. When I have company and they need to use the bathroom I beg them to use mine 😹😹😹 can’t wait to see what I find this weekend
“please, i insist… it’s just down the hall, you’ll know it when you see it” and it’s just fxcking bugs
bet that’s a fun convo each time >w<
super stoked to see what you find, too!!
pls snag a pic of a dragonfly for me if you can úwù if there’s one in the shop
any other break-from-work plans for your killer weekend?