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ᯓ 𐌉𐍀τя❍𐌖εяτȿ ᯓ

I’m an introvert that worked from home for years, and recently accepted a new job in the city that required me to move there and face and talk to people everyday now…
*virtual hug*
I did customer service for a bit but it’s not for me. But I did some research and it turns out quite a few thrive in the environment.
Oh yeah? I mean… I do have more human interaction now than before. So I am still adjusting and surviving. It’s within the corporate world
But yeah, I am still adjusting as an introvert 🫥😬
Definitely understandable
Who else here is more comfy talking in text than irl?
I like both worlds 🤓🤓🤓
la la la
what happened
y everyone talking
Introverts can talk tho 🫥😂
Sure we can. And we can listen and watch too
Yes duh 🤣
introverts can hide too
We just good at being quiet most of the time 🤭🤭🤭👀
You're two are good
You can too 😁😁😁
i was hiding
Im a super introvert lol
i am an introvert pro max
Am a fake introvert
Why pseudo tho? 🤔
You back? ☮️👀☮️
How's the daily introverts doing ❔
Tbh it's a good thing.
Lee Lee
LaLaLand 🎶🎵