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ᯓ 𐌉𐍀τя❍𐌖εяτȿ ᯓ

So she is from cameroon
>>> Which country flag is that Cameroon
Yes he said that
>>> Cameroon never met anyone from there before
nice to meet u
Heyyy introverts
Nice to meet y'all
How you doing?
Tired but I need to cook😭
Don't worry brother turtle
You can do it
Im not male
Oh ok
Sister turtle
Some guys here change their gender in the app I'm sorry I thought you were one of them 🫥
Maybe you?
Which turtle is guy here
Not me
You’re from blue castle!
>>> You’re from blue castle! he is the founder of blue castle
Clover how do u know me
I don’t remember you but I remember the group
Maybe 6 years ago
Are u still in that group ?
Which was ur previous account?
Let me share the li
I think sassy brought me there
Link here then
Here it is
Sassy left anti
Dangggg blue castle
Chowki Chowki
Bord, kayne uwu
Sleep Chowy
Now i have to force myself to finish all tgese leftovers
Yes I know
I wish I had leftovers
Good morning people