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Because David sinned in numbering Israel, the LORD sent Gad unto David, saying, `I offer thee three things...` Which one did David choose? 7 years of famine 3 months of flight 3 days pestilence None of these
3 days of plagues?
Correct answer- none of these - 2 Samuel 24:10-14
Who was the captain of King Saul's army? Amasa Abner Joab Ahinoam
Correct 🙌😇🙌
Which of David's wives was also married to Phaltiel? Abigail Michal Bathsheba Abishag
Correct 😇🙌😇
David once said, `Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?` Who was David speaking of? Abner Saul Jonathan Joab
Correct 😇🙏
Who did God say must be put outside the camp because of uncleanness? those newly married every leper the blind the lame
Every leper?
Correct 😇🙏 Numbers 5: 2
What reward did Caleb and Joshua receive for their faith in God regarding the promised land? A) they were given choice land in Canaan B) they lived to enter the promised land C) they were made priests D) they were made leaders
They all sounded correct 🤔
A Land
Correct answer B 😇 🙌 : Numbers 14:30
Because his sons were evil what did the Elders demand from Samuel? A) that he judge his sons and put them to death B) that he remove his sons as judges C) that he appoint a king to rule over them D) two replacement judges to rule over them
Correct 😇🙌
In the Gospel of John, who is refered to as the true vine? Israel Judah the church Jesus
Correct 😇🙌🙏
According to Paul, who does Satan masquerade as? angel of light angel of love angel of mercy angel of darkness
Angel of light
Angel of light 👍
Correct 🙌😇🙏
Why did the Syrophonecian woman come to Jesus? A) she wanted to be healed B) she needed food and money C) she had been caught in adultery D) she wanted him to cast an evil spirit out of her daughter
Correct 😇🙏🙌
What was the Corinthians' impression of Paul in his letters? he was powerful he was weak he was foolish he was arrogant
Correct 😇🙏🙌
When Jotham was king of Judah who was king of Israel? no one was king Solomon Jeroboam David
hey hru all
Correct answer C 😇🙏🙌 : 1 Chronicles 5:17
What nationality was Paul? Greek Roman Hebrew none of the above
I thought that too it’s either one of these
My son said he's Hebrew
I only thought Hebrew because at first Paul wanted to teach the Jews even though he was sent to teach the gentiles . So I picked Hebrew
My son likes how Paul was converted, so he gave some instances why he thinks he's Hebrew