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BBible Quiz Room 2

Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
What happened to Miriam for speaking against Moses? she became blind she became mute she became paralyzed she became leprous
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌 See: Numbers 12:10
Who suggested selling Joseph to the Ismaelites? Asher Zebulun Simeon Judah
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
Noah took this number of each type of clean animal in the ark: 2 4 6 7
Correct answer 7 See: Genesis 7:2 😇🙏🙌
On what mountain did Moses receive the ten commandments? Ebal Ararat Sinai Gerazim
C is right
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
Which book comes before 1 Corinthians? Matthew Galatians Romans Philippians
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
A city on the Mediterranean, known for its trading: Gazara Gennesaret Tyre Nineveh
Correct answer Tyre 😇 🙌 See: Ezekiel 27:4
Where did Jacob find his wife (I should say wives)? Canaan Egypt Bethel Paddan Aram
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
The cities of Tyre and Sidon lie in this country: Phoenicia Samaria Israel Egypt
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
Mention of the number of the beast `666` can be found where? 1 John 2 John 3 John Revelation
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌 Revelation 13:18
What book comes next after `2 Samuel`? Ruth 1 Chronicles 1 Kings Ezra
1 chronicles
Correct answer 1 Kings 😇🙏🙌
What book comes next after `Jonah`? Hosea Micah Habakkuk Malachi
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
What book opens with the words, `Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land`? Ruth Judges Joshua Job
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
Where can the following words be found?: `Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.` Proverbs Ecclesiastes Psalms Not in the Bible
Correct 😇 🙏 🙌
What part of their sacrifices were the Israelites forbidden to eat? The rump The breast The flank The fat
Correct 😇 🙏
The children of Israel were instructed, `Thou shalt not abhor an -----; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an -----; because thou wast a stranger in his land.` Ammonite, Edomite Edomite, Egyptian Ishmaelite, Ammonite Egyptian, Ishmaelite