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CCosplayer & Anime Appreciation

Here is one of my cosplays
🤩 looking good
Im watching Miracle Girl Site
you mean Magical Girl Site?
What's that
generic dark magical girl anime
>>>📷 That's really cool
Why my pics still here
because this chat never moves
Bloody hell
I should not have posted 😂
You look great what's wrong with keeping the pics around a bit 😂
Been like 2 weeks
>>> Been like 2 weeks yeah lol this chat has been kinda dead
occasionally someone will try to catfish with a cosplay photo thats not actually them but not a lot of people talk in here otherwise
I noticed not many anime groups
Well this whole app is random😭
It's dead as hell
Soneone withvkinky cosplay here? 😅
Chrissi Furry 🐺 looking sweet
But where are the sexy and hot cosplays? 😅
My cosplay still here
Been like 2 months
Ig I’ll send my shark one
This is one of my last ones
>>> Been like 2 months Another 2 to go and they'll be gone 😂
Which cosplay I should wear this upcoming convention I’m going to
What anime do you like?
What cosplays do you have ?
I’m trying to get a new one
Have you got any ideas
What are you into?
My bf and I are trying to put together a Rey Skywalker and Ben solo
That’s kinda easy you should do good
I hope so. It’ll be my first convention