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Hobbys & Interessen/

CCosplayer & Anime Appreciation

>>> Been like 2 weeks yeah lol this chat has been kinda dead
occasionally someone will try to catfish with a cosplay photo thats not actually them but not a lot of people talk in here otherwise
I noticed not many anime groups
Well this whole app is random😭
It's dead as hell
Soneone withvkinky cosplay here? 😅
Chrissi Furry 🐺 looking sweet
But where are the sexy and hot cosplays? 😅
My cosplay still here
Been like 2 months
Ig I’ll send my shark one
This is one of my last ones
>>> Been like 2 months Another 2 to go and they'll be gone 😂
Which cosplay I should wear this upcoming convention I’m going to
What anime do you like?
What cosplays do you have ?
I’m trying to get a new one
Have you got any ideas
What are you into?
My bf and I are trying to put together a Rey Skywalker and Ben solo
That’s kinda easy you should do good
I hope so. It’ll be my first convention
What do you guys think?
Hey there
Really nice cosplay
Hiiii Andrew (six days later lol)
Hi guys
Gday folks is this room still going at all?
It is but hardly anyone talks
Hi jennie