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Hi guys! I’m choosing between Toyota Yaris and Suzuki Dzire, what do you guys think?
Toyota Yaris
Beats any super car
What’s good
Mechanic 20;yrs
Can I help anyone
I want a pretty affordable car that can take me around the city and maybe have a few road trips with it, not necessarily a fast car.
Choose the yaris
Better quality then suzuki
You do want the yaris t sport
Like 140hp in the yaris t sport.
Believe 1.8 4 cylinder
I like porsches🌝
Porsche 😍
Oil pan gasket replacement
Yeah, keep the oil in👌🏼🌝
Welded in a new jack support
Fabricated the mk2 front engine carier on to the mk1
Love all the sho kittens !!
I actually just got my car back