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Stututuu supraaaaa!!! Pop bang bang bang!
gappin all of yall respectfully
Hi guys! I’m choosing between Toyota Yaris and Suzuki Dzire, what do you guys think?
Toyota Yaris
Beats any super car
What’s good
Mechanic 20;yrs
Can I help anyone
I want a pretty affordable car that can take me around the city and maybe have a few road trips with it, not necessarily a fast car.
Choose the yaris
Better quality then suzuki
You do want the yaris t sport
Like 140hp in the yaris t sport.
Believe 1.8 4 cylinder
I like porsches🌝
Porsche 😍
Oil pan gasket replacement
Yeah, keep the oil in👌🏼🌝
Welded in a new jack support
Fabricated the mk2 front engine carier on to the mk1
Love all the sho kittens !!
I actually just got my car back